China: The commercial use of unmanned aircraft in China
The “Measures for the Administration of Operational Flight Activities of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in China (Provisional)” contain regulations for the use of drones for commercial flight activities. However, this policy does not include the use of drones for operational flight activities in passenger and cargo categories. According to the aforementioned regulations, drones must be registered, an operating permit must be obtained, and liability insurance must be taken out in order to be able to use drones for operational activities.
The use of drones for operational flight activities with higher security risks in passenger and cargo categories is currently primarily governed by the (provisional) drone trial regulations in these categories, and few (government-supported) enterprises have received specific approval for trial operation. This trial operation is currently only possible in special air zones and under strict conditions.
Provisions to integrate drones into joint airspace management have not yet been started in China. At this time, it is also not clear when this process will be started.
Autor: Marcel Brinkmann